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Concerns 关于 Students

对一些学生来说, the demands and pressures of their life experiences may be overwhelming and stressful. The emotional and behavioral consequences may appear in classrooms, residence halls or departmental offices. 教师 and staff may be in a position to identify students who require additional assistance and to refer students to appropriate resources. The information below is provided to help faculty and staff with their concerns about students.

  • When safety is an immediate concern because a student verbally or physically threatens to harm others, call Public Safety at 404-471-6400.
  • When safety is not an immediate concern yet a student is disruptive as defined by the instructor, contact the office of the dean of students at 404-471-6392 and submit a Student Conduct Form.
  • When safety is not an immediate concern yet a student threatens self-harm or demonstrates bizarre or concerning behavior, please contact the 24/7 Counselor on Call at 404-471-7100 x1. You are also encouraged to contact Counseling and Psychological from Monday- Friday 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. at 404-471-7100 to get students to the appropriate resources.
  • When safety is not an immediate concern yet a student is very sad, 高度紧张, lacks motivation or concentration, or has experienced a personal or family hardship, please refer the student to the 护理团队 by emailing or

The 护理团队 is a multi-disciplinary body of stakeholders from across the college community that receives referrals pertaining to enrolled students of concern, collects additional information, and identifies and enacts appropriate strategies for addressing the situation. Various campus departments come together and communicate relevant information, coordinate an institutional response, and consult about students of concern.


  • 学术顾问
  • Accessible Education
  • 体育运动
  • Community Standards
  • 居住生活
  • The Wellness Center (Counseling and Psychological Services and Student Health Services)
  • The Office of the Dean of Students

The 护理团队 also consults with other advisors, faculty and staff as necessary.

The Student Emergency Fund

The Student Emergency Fund was conceived to provide thoughtful financial assistance to currently enrolled full-time students, through the Student Emergency Fund application process managed by the Dean of Students Office. Qualifying students will be provided with small grants to help them weather difficult financial events of short duration.

Unexpected expenses that the fund might cover include:

  • 食品/杂货
  • Travel/Transportation
  • Medication or unplanned medical costs
  • Academic technology
  • School supplies (books, pens/pencils, etc)

Expenses not covered by the fund include:

  • 学费, fees, health insurance and study abroad costs
  • Academic expenses already budgeted for in Financial 援助
  • Non-essential utilities (i.e. cable), household, or furniture costs not related to damage or theft
  • Parking tickets, library fines
  • Entertainment costs, recreation, non-emergency travel or other non-essential expenses

Guidelines and Application Process

To qualify for assistance through the Student Emergency Fund, the student must exhaust all other financial resources. Emergency loans through scholarships and financial aid must have been considered and deemed insufficient, 不可用, or not available in a timely manner. This funding does not replace or supplement existing financial aid and does not have to be repaid. Students who are in need of support must apply. The support is generally $300 at most.

How the Agnes Scott Community Can Help

Contributions designated to The Student Emergency Fund provide valuable support to currently enrolled, full-time Agnes Scott College students who have encountered temporary hardships – such as sudden unemployment, 一场事故, 疾病, or death in the family – that prevent meeting basic and essential needs for a short duration. Your gift(s) will directly assist the college in responding to the needs of our students. Every dollar given to this fund will have an immediate impact, and for that, we are most grateful.

